Quantum HealHER, Author, & Creative Goddess Leading the Collective into the Golden Age
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Soul SHIFTER UNIversity
BodyConscious: Innerstanding Your Temple
Overview: This program is designed to help you in these 3 ways: 1. To innerstand HOW the body communicate 2. To innerstand the connection between the physical and energetic body 3. To learn how you have the power to alchemize pain into power to heal yourself. The body keeps score; communicating when inner work is required. We can trace physical ailments back to the energetic chakra system. With this awareness, these tools, and a whole body healing approach, YOU can help your body heal. BodyConscious will SHIFT the way you see yourself, your body, and the world around you. What You'll Learn: Dive deep into each chakra; innerstanding the connection between the physical and energetic body Gain awareness and innerstanding to get to 'the root" of physical ailments Learn HOW to heal using a WHOLE BODY HEALING Approach Innerstand HOW to become a self-healer Receive a FREE COPY of BodyConscious Guide Ebook Course Features: Interactive weekly teachings and healings [2x a week: Classroom & Healing] Powerful healings and activations each week Access to a commUNITY forum for discussion and networking Downloadable resources, including BodyConscious Guide Ebook Q & A's Recorded content available for playback Who Should Enroll: Ideal for spiritual coaches and healers, people with chronic ailments, or anyone on a healing journey. If you are a human with a body, this course will provide you with actionable insights and strategies to become a self-healer. Course Duration: Total Hours: [20+ hours of video content] Duration: [9 weeks/ 2x a week via Zoom]
1:1 Soul SHIFTING Mentorship
Video Call on Zoom
60 mins
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